Principal's Welcome

Message from Principal Callahan

Welcome to Dr. John A. Langford Elementary School. We are a dedicated community of learners, committed to making every day important and meaningful for your child. We believe ALL students will make great strides in learning. Our students are engaged in rich, standards-based learning that supports high levels of growth academically and emotionally as critical readers & writers, creative thinkers, and problem solvers.

We want to partner with you to support your child in reaching their goals for success. It is essential that your child attends school, daily. We have an on-site School Based Health Center in partnership with Inter-Community that offers a variety of services for our families; please contact Nurse Leary (860-622-5703) for more information.  

We are committed to ongoing communication with our families. Please check ParentSquare often for important messages from our classroom teachers. Each Friday, we share a weekly newsletter update for upcoming important dates and information. We appreciate your shared commitment to your child’s education. Please do not hesitate to reach out to connect with us. I welcome your feedback and look forward to a great year supporting your student. Mrs. Jill Vermette, our main office secretary (860-622-5700) and Madeline Perez, our Family Support Specialist (860-622-5713) can also direct your concerns and suggestions.

Thank you for your important role in supporting your child’s success. Together, we can achieve great things. We are ALL IN for learning at Langford School!  

With Appreciation,  
Principal Callahan